Music Job Search

This information will be updated and reposted when new sites and contacts are found. At Strode College music technology students get 1:1 help with finding a job

Getting a Job in Music
How to start and what to do

·        Massive Google search. Find job adverts, links, companies, venues etc. make a list of all the places you find that are useful. Spend some quality time on this

·        Join websites and mailing lists

·        Make a list of contacts

·        ‘Job Search Notebook.’ Keep a log or diary of everyone you speak to and any email or application you send. This way you will be able to follow up contacts and links without forgetting what you have already done.

·        You could blog your progress. It may be an interesting read for other people

Check out these websites – are they any good?

Industry Directories

Local Companies

Job Adverts