Music Technology students from Strode College visited the O2
Academy in Bristol on Monday 3rd Feb for a technical tour of the venue. The sound and
lighting manager Matt Royston-Bishop took the group backstage, on stage and
behind the main mixing console. He explained the features of the digital desks
and how the sound is sent all around the venue from the stage. This is part of
a wider focus on building awareness and creating links in the local music
industry. Music tutor Adrian Smith commented “ We have now established a link
with the O2 in Bristol and built this visit into the live sound and technical
stage management areas of the course.”

Over the years a number of successful students have gained work
in the live sound industry. Dave Perry works at the
Octagon Theatre in Yeovil, Ollie
Chamberlain works for
Vortex Events Ltd and Bruce MacDonald who is
currently touring the UK as sound engineer for an up and coming metal band. He
is also studying for a
Foundation Degree in Live Sound down in Plymouth.

Sofie Hunter and Peter Waite are current students who have already gained work
experience in live sound while studying the BTEC in Music Technology. They are
both doing work experience with local companies and venues including Strode Theatre.