Students studying the BTEC National Diploma in Music Technology at Strode College produce a large scale performance each year that challenges their creativity and develops their technical skills in the use of music software and hardware. This year they are performing a live soundtrack to a 68 minute silent film. As part of the preparation for the Strode Theatre screenings on the 10th of June, we have organised some previews of the show at St Dunstans and another one for Crispin School pupils.

This performance at St Dunstans School gave our students an opportunity to try out the first 15 minutes of their performance in front of an audience.
A large audience in fact, probably around 200 pupils packed into the drama studio to watch. John, Shane, David, Adam, Pete and Ralph used a range of equipment including laptop computers, sound systems, samplers and record decks. Ralph Clarke-Norman was a particular hit with the pupils and gave a short demonstration of DJ techniques before the performance. John improvised some very nice vocals lines but we did miss our singers Tegan Viner and Millie Ayton.
The vocal loops and vocal effects through the Koass Pad sounded great and David handled the Sound System mix very well. This was a very professional performance by our students. Attendance by pupils was excellent and feedback from staff was very positive. A number of pupils asked questions and came to the front to take leaflets and talk to our students.