Only two full rehearsals to go before the show (10th June) - here is why we are not worried!!!
We have made a lot of progress over the last few weeks and now have a full set of tracks all set out to match the content of the film.
Everyone has contributed a track and/or is playing an instrument or singing using effects
We are using Logic, Reaktor and Ableton Live software as well as using DJ decks, Akai MPC sampler and various MIDI controllers.
The music sounds great...really great. And I am not just saying that.
We have one of
John is a wicked song writer, guitarist and piano player
Ralph is scratching "whaaat" and "whistles" like grandmaster DXT in ROCKIT. yo yo yo. And he has composed a great song on electric piano
We the two angelic voices of Tegan and Millie and we put them through various audio effects!!! cool
Shane is one of the cornerstones of the project and keeps producing cool ideas including a brand new track
Adam is firing on all samples and providing added Kaoss
Joe is using Reaktor and making some great sounds along the way. He adds somethin